October 27, 2023

Categories: Bulletin, News, Resources

Tags: News, Resources


21st Century ASSETs Grant – Intent To Apply

Notice for Intent to Apply for 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Grant 

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley, in partnership with the Morgan Hill School District, intends to submit an application to the California Department of Education for a 21st Century ASSETs grant. The grant will support academic-focused after-school programs for students at Live Oak High School. If you have any comments on the proposed program, please contact Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Vally’s Administrative Office at contact@bgclub.org or 408-957-9685. A copy of the application will be available for public review after submittal at the Morgan Hill (El Toro) Clubhouse, 17666 Crest Ave., Morgan Hill, CA 95037

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