What We Offer

Clubs offer age-appropriate and diverse programs in six core areas provided by trained youth development staff.

Education & Career Development

Small group tutoring, homework help, daily reading, critical thinking, career-readiness, workforce development

Arts & Cultural Enrichment

Creative development, music, dance, crafts, and fine arts


STEM skills, coding, digital arts, robotics, Khan Academy

Sports, Fitness, & Recreation

Daily fitness activities, sports leagues, active games

Character & Leadership

Planning & decision making, civic engagement, community service, personal development

Health & Life Skills

Cooking, gardening, sustainability, and resiliency programs

Membership Process

Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley partners with local school districts and charter schools to provide after school programming at low or no cost to eligible families.

Step 1

Identify Your Clubhouse

Step 2

Check Availability & Eligibility

Step 3

Complete Membership Application & Submit

To determine eligibility, find your nearest clubhouse and contact the Unit Director for more information. 

Family Handbook

This handbook shares what you can expect from Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley as well as After School Program rules & policies.

Signing the acknowledgement page is required for all Club members.

For question and concerns.

FAQs about the After School Program

The range of Club programs, activities, and services include but are not limited to educational support, mentoring, tutoring, college and career support, workforce development, STEM training, fine arts, athletics, after-school care, meals, and snacks.

Club hours of operation vary by site. To view Club hours by location, visit bgclub.org/locations

After-school programming is free of cost for eligible youth and provided by the Club through the support and partnership of our local school districts & charter schools.

The Club serves youth between 5-18 years. Specific Club programs such as Future Grads and SJ Aspires provide support for youth 18 years and older during their post-secondary career.

While supervised opportunities do exist for mentoring, role-modeling, and more, Boys & Girls Clubs is fortunate to have program areas designated specifically for young children, older youth, and teen members.

Clubs provide youth with a safe, constructive environment where they can learn and grow under the guidance of trained youth development professionals. Clubs encourage members to strive for academic success, lead healthy lifestyles, and exhibit good character and citizenship.

For information on registration and to fill out an application, visit www.bgclub.org/programs

To find your nearest Club, visit www.bgclub.org/locations


Staffed by trained and caring mentors, summer camp at Boys & Girls Clubs provides safe, inclusive places where kids and teens build their confidence, explore their interests and build skills. Join us at a clubhouse near you for fun all summer long.

What We Offer

Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley

School may be out, but learning is always in at Boys & Girls Clubs. Through fun activities and essential skill building, the Club ensures kids and teens have a memorable summer and feel prepared for the upcoming school year.

Academic Success

3 Hours of Dedicated Academic Programming Per Day

Nutritious Lunch and Snacks

Breakfast, Snacks, and Lunches Provided Daily

Field Trips & Special Events

Unique opportunities for learning and fun


Math and Language Arts, Science and Engineering, College and Career Readiness


Computer Science, Coding, and Robotics


Fine and Performing Arts, Literary Arts, Digital Media, Crafts

Sports & Wellness

Sports Leagues, Health and Fitness, Life Skills


Registration Fee - $1,300 for full 7-Week Program

Limited summer camp scholarships are available for qualifying families – please contact your local Clubhouse to learn more.

Ways To Register
Full Payment Registration

Full payment of $1,300 is due upon ONLINE registration for summer camp. $100 of your payment is non-refundable.

Registration Opens Jan 1, 2024

If you are a member of an Ace, DCP, Escuela Popular, Naviagtor, Rocketship or Voices school, please DO NOT use this form.

We accept enrollees in third-party childcare programs such as Choices for Children and other agencies.

Not sure if you qualify? Visit their website: www.cfcscc.org/parents

ACE & Rocketship Registration

If you are a member of an ACE or Rocketship school, program details and registration process will be provided at a later date.

Payment Plans 

Summer camp payment plans are available. All fees must be paid in full by June 1, 2024. If not paid in full, a $25 fee will be assessed to summer registration fees. If you are a member of an Ace, DCP, Escuela Popular, Navigator, Rocketship or Voices school, please DO NOT use this form.


Fill out the application form below.


Contact your desired summer camp location and bring the completed application with you to finish the enrollment process.


A $100 non-refundable payment is due upon registration. Clubs’ contact information can be found on our Locations page.

Locations & Availability

Enrollment is currently available at the following locations.


Alviso Clubhouse

Morgan HIll Clubhouse

Smythe Clubhouse

Levin Clubhouse

For participating Ace, DCP, Escuela Popular, Naviagtor, Rocketship or Voices summer sites, please contact your Club director.

Summer Family Handbook

This handbook shares what you can expect from Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley as well as Summer Program rules & policies.

Signing the acknowledgment page is required for all Summer Program members.

For question and concerns.

FAQs about the Summer Program

Activities include STEM enrichment, athletics, academic success programming, health & wellness activities, and arts and crafts. Please send your child(ren) with athletic shoes and comfortable clothes. Campers will also have the opportunity to experience occasional field trips or activities at no additional cost to families.

Club hours of operation vary by site. To view Club hours by location, visit bgclub.org/locations

The BGCSV Summer Program is $1,300 for 7 weeks, M-F, 10 hours a day.

Yes, the Club offers both payment plans and scholarships for qualifying families.If you are inquiring about a payment plan or scholarship opportunities, do not submit your paid application. Families must first contact their local Clubhouse director for payment plans and scholarship applications. Program fees will not be reimbursed after paid online applications are accepted.

To register for the BGCSV summer program, you will need to fill out the application form provided. Payment must be completed upon registration unless you are signing up for a payment plan or scholarship.

For issues or support with our online registration process, email us at contact@bgclub.org

Yes, snacks are provided every day. If your child has allergic reactions to certain foods, we ask that you please notify the staff of those allergies by indicating them on the application in the registration process online/paper. If your child(ren) needs more snacks than the program provides, please send them with additional snacks. Every Club welcomes donations of healthy snacks.

Yes, breakfast and lunch are provided every day.

Safety is our number one priority. Therefore, the summer enrichment program staff takes the safety of every child very seriously. Please review our safety policies in our Parent Handbook.  If you have any additional questions about our safety policies, please email contact@bgclub.org.

Parents can designate any number of adults authorized to sign their child(ren) out of the program. Please bear in mind that by placing an adult on your list of authorized pickups you are indicating that it is acceptable to release your child to this individual without phone verification. Parents may always review their list of authorized pickups by contacting the site’s Lead or Program Director.

The Vision

Imagine a world where every teenager's full potential is unleashed. That's our vision, and we're not just dreaming; we're making it a reality. In the heart of this dynamic region, Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley leans into an unwavering commitment to champion the dreams of our youth.

The Club’s commitment to teens:

  • High-quality, engaging programs, activities, and recognition
  • Safe and appealing spaces where they feel ownership and agency
  • Engaged and trained staff who have the skills to help them thrive

The Strategy

World Class Programming

BGCSV’s college readiness programs are launching pads to higher education. Our leadership development initiatives provide lifelong skills that change lives and build communities, and workforce development offerings are a beacon of opportunity.

Clubs aren’t just teaching skills; they’re shaping careers. From job readiness training to internships, we’re nurturing talent and ambition, preparing teens to step confidently into the world of work.

Expert Staff

Club staff and mentors are not just educators; they’re life architects reminding teens that they are not alone in this journey.

Our community is enhanced by passionate volunteers who share our commitment and bring wisdom and experience, showing teens that Silicon Valley believes in them.

Caring Community

We’re not just building a brighter future; we’re shaping it right now. Clubs provide the opportunities and experiences teens want and need to develop essential life skills, build self-efficacy, and develop their passions, especially as they navigate this pivotal developmental period.

Together, we’re forging a path where every teen is equipped to chase their dreams with unrelenting passion and confidence.

Student Portal

Current students can log in on their Aspires Student Community Portal to manage their accounts, see their completed awards, and claim new awards.


Aspires is an invitation-based program for students at Overfelt and San Jose High School. Students in the program will receive financial awards as they complete different tasks connected to college and career readiness. Through the program, students may earn up to $5,000 to support their post-secondary educational goals. At its core, Aspires aims to change students’ attitudes and behaviors related to graduating high school and succeeding in post-secondary education and the Silicon Valley workforce.

About The Program

In April 2021, former San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, in partnership with the San Jose Public Library and the SJ Public Library Foundation (SJPLF), launched San Jose Aspires, a program to enable youth in underserved neighborhoods to set goals that chart a path toward receiving a post-secondary education and reduce the barriers that disadvantaged students of color face in accessing academic opportunities. Focused on breaking down barriers, Aspires enables students in underserved neighborhoods to set goals and chart a path to academic success from 9th grade to graduation by providing a performance-based scholarship program that educates them about college and career choices, as well as individual mentorship and counseling. After a successful pilot phase, the Library and SJPLF sought a qualified partner to assume long-term oversight and operations for Aspires. They determined that Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley is the ideal organization to continue advancing the program’s impact and in May 2024, the program was officially transferred to the Club.

More About Aspires

For more information on Aspires, the Aspires Ambassadors Program, and resources for current and former students, please visit our Aspires homepage.

Future Grads Silicon Valley

About the Program

Boys & Girls Club’s Future Grads program supports students to and through college graduation, equipping Milpitas and Morgan Hill students with the support they need to become first-generation graduates of four-year colleges.

Our students receive counseling for applications, financial aid forms, and college selection. They also develop social-emotional skills, including how to ask for help, access resources, and build support networks. The program begins in the summer before 10th grade through college graduation.

How to Apply

Future Grads is currently accepting new applications from rising sophomores currently attending Live Oak and Ann Sobrato High schools in Morgan Hill, and Milpitas High School and Milpitas Middle College High School in Milpitas. To register, please click the link below.

What Makes Us Unique

  • Post-secondary support to and through graduation: Once in college, Future Grads students continue to receive individualized coaching through graduation.
  • No academic eligibility criteria to be part of the program: Future Grads is open to any 9th-grade student at our partner high schools in the Milpitas and Morgan Hill Unified School Districts.
  • Financial Literacy help for families and caregivers
  • Transportation support
  • Bilingual Spanish & English support

The Challenge

Many students want to go to college, but don’t know where to start. First generation college students, such as those served by Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley, often lack access to the support needed to navigate the complex college application, financing, and enrollment process.

What often stands between students and college success is access to caring, long-term, family-based college counseling that is attuned to the unique cultural characteristics of traditionally underserved and first-generation college students.

The Pathway

Participation in Future Grads starts with The Future Grads Summer Academy, a fun and interactive, week-long experience designed to introduce students to the value of a college education and build life skills that will support their success in high school, college, and beyond. Meanwhile, parents learn about financial resources to help pay for college. These lessons are fortified throughout the students’ high school careers.

In monthly lunch and after-school meetings, students build peer and staff relationships and develop a college-going mindset. Meanwhile, parents receive education and support through workshops that address concerns.

Once in college, Future Grads students continue to receive individualized coaching through graduation.

More Information

For more information about Future Grads program and opportunities contact;

Jessica Ruiz at 408.649.5568 or


LIT is an advanced leadership program for teens age 14-17, providing skill development in academics, career development, community service and leadership. Teens will be able to develop personal skills related to employment responsibilities and workplace behavior while gaining work experience.

LIT Opportunities

Participating youth take part in professional development workshops, resume/portfolio development, and are provided hands-on leadership experience at the Club. LIT opportunities include:

  • Exploration of career opportunities
  • Employment training and aid school year/summer employment opportunities
  • Participation in field trips and college tours
  • Attendance of leadership conferences and special events
  • Access to first-class facilities (gymnasium, tech lab, library recording studio, games room, and more)
  • Money management skills development

How to Apply

For more information about Leaders In Training and to begin the application process, contact:

Erika French-Arnold at erika.frencharnold@bgclub.org.

Program Requirements

For the BGCSV Leaders In Training program for teens, participants are expected to:

  • Attend weekly LIT meetings at the Club
  • Attend #WeOwnFriday events
  • Complete Quarterly service projects
  • Maintain a positive attitude

The Vision

Imagine a world where every teenager's full potential is unleashed. That's our vision, and we're not just dreaming; we're making it a reality. In the heart of this dynamic region, Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley leans into an unwavering commitment to champion the dreams of our youth.

The Club’s commitment to teens:

  • High-quality, engaging programs, activities, and recognition
  • Safe and appealing spaces where they feel ownership and agency
  • Engaged and trained staff who have the skills to help them thrive

The Strategy

World Class Programming

BGCSV’s college readiness programs are launching pads to higher education. Our leadership development initiatives provide lifelong skills that change lives and build communities, and workforce development offerings are a beacon of opportunity.

Clubs aren’t just teaching skills; they’re shaping careers. From job readiness training to internships, we’re nurturing talent and ambition, preparing teens to step confidently into the world of work.

Expert Staff

Club staff and mentors are not just educators; they’re life architects reminding teens that they are not alone in this journey.

Our community is enhanced by passionate volunteers who share our commitment and bring wisdom and experience, showing teens that Silicon Valley believes in them.

Caring Community

We’re not just building a brighter future; we’re shaping it right now. Clubs provide the opportunities and experiences teens want and need to develop essential life skills, build self-efficacy, and develop their passions, especially as they navigate this pivotal developmental period.

Together, we’re forging a path where every teen is equipped to chase their dreams with unrelenting passion and confidence.

Future Grads Silicon Valley

About the Program

Boys & Girls Club’s Future Grads program supports students to and through college graduation, equipping Milpitas and Morgan Hill students with the support they need to become first-generation graduates of four-year colleges.

Our students receive counseling for applications, financial aid forms, and college selection. They also develop social-emotional skills, including how to ask for help, access resources, and build support networks. The program begins in the summer before 10th grade through college graduation.

How to Apply

Future Grads is currently accepting new applications from rising sophomores currently attending Live Oak and Ann Sobrato High schools in Morgan Hill, and Milpitas High School and Milpitas Middle College High School in Milpitas. To register, please click the link below.

What Makes Us Unique

  • Post-secondary support to and through graduation: Once in college, Future Grads students continue to receive individualized coaching through graduation.
  • No academic eligibility criteria to be part of the program: Future Grads is open to any 9th-grade student at our partner high schools in the Milpitas and Morgan Hill Unified School Districts.
  • Financial Literacy help for families and caregivers
  • Transportation support
  • Bilingual Spanish & English support

The Challenge

Many students want to go to college, but don’t know where to start. First generation college students, such as those served by Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley, often lack access to the support needed to navigate the complex college application, financing, and enrollment process.

What often stands between students and college success is access to caring, long-term, family-based college counseling that is attuned to the unique cultural characteristics of traditionally underserved and first-generation college students.

The Pathway

Participation in Future Grads starts with The Future Grads Summer Academy, a fun and interactive, week-long experience designed to introduce students to the value of a college education and build life skills that will support their success in high school, college, and beyond. Meanwhile, parents learn about financial resources to help pay for college. These lessons are fortified throughout the students’ high school careers.

In monthly lunch and after-school meetings, students build peer and staff relationships and develop a college-going mindset. Meanwhile, parents receive education and support through workshops that address concerns.

Once in college, Future Grads students continue to receive individualized coaching through graduation.

More Information

For more information about Future Grads program and opportunities contact;

Jessica Ruiz at 408.649.5568 or


LIT is an advanced leadership program for teens age 14-17, providing skill development in academics, career development, community service and leadership. Teens will be able to develop personal skills related to employment responsibilities and workplace behavior while gaining work experience.

LIT Opportunities

Participating youth take part in professional development workshops, resume/portfolio development, and are provided hands-on leadership experience at the Club. LIT opportunities include:

  • Exploration of career opportunities
  • Employment training and aid school year/summer employment opportunities
  • Participation in field trips and college tours
  • Attendance of leadership conferences and special events
  • Access to first-class facilities (gymnasium, tech lab, library recording studio, games room, and more)
  • Money management skills development

How to Apply

For more information about Leaders In Training and to begin the application process, contact:

Erika French-Arnold at erika.frencharnold@bgclub.org.

Program Requirements

For the BGCSV Leaders In Training program for teens, participants are expected to:

  • Attend weekly LIT meetings at the Club
  • Attend #WeOwnFriday events
  • Complete Quarterly service projects
  • Maintain a positive attitude

Great Futures Start Here

Core Program Areas

A chartered affiliate of Boys & Girls Clubs of America, BGCSV utilizes a proven youth development strategy that nurtures young people’s self-esteem by instilling in them a sense of belonging, usefulness, competence, and influence.

Clubs engage youth in mentoring relationships with caring adults and offer age-appropriate and diverse programs provided by trained youth development staff, supplemented by hundreds of volunteers in these six core area programs:

Education & Career Development

Enable youth to become proficient in basic educational disciplines and enable youth to set goals, explore careers and prepare them for postsecondary education and/or employment. Program elements include: daily homework assistance and tutoring; English-language arts, math and science; college readiness and advising; workforce development and employment opportunities.

Technology & Internet Safety

Deepen youth’s digital literacy skills preparing them for the knowledge and skills they need for the ever-evolving careers of the future. Program elements include: computer science, coding, robotics and digital arts (e.g., design, photography).

Character & Leadership

Empower youth to become global citizens who support and influence their Club and community, sustain meaningful relationships with others, develop a positive self-image and good character, and respect their own and others’ cultural identifies. Program elements include: leadership and service learning opportunities and annual recognition and scholarship awards.

92% said the Club helped them find ways to help their community

100% of high school seniors graduated on time and now attend college.

98% increased their interest in physical fitness and sports

93% increased their understanding of computers and technology

88% improved their ability to make healthy lifestyle choices that nurture their well-being

96% increased their desire to express themselves creatively.

Health & Life Skills

Develop young people’s capacity to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their own well-being, set personal goals and live successfully as self-sufficient adults. Program elements include: award-winning, evidence-based suite of prevention programs that help young people hone their decision-making and critical-thinking skills to resist alcohol, tobacco (and other drugs), early sexual activity and violence.

Arts & Cultural Enrichment

Encourage youth to develop their creativity and cultural awareness through knowledge and appreciation of the visual and performing arts. Program elements include: fine arts, music, drama, dance, culinary arts and more.

Sports, Fitness, & Social Recreation

Help members meet State physical fitness standards and address social-emotional development by building cooperation and team skills through structured activities and league-play. Program elements include: daily, developmentally appropriate fitness activities and sports leagues (e.g., basketball, flag football, soccer, tennis, etc.)

Frequently Asked Questions

For questions about our organization, volunteering, or donating to the Club, please message us or visit our FAQs page.

Annual Reports

Your Donations In Action

Explore the stories, achievements, and real-world changes your support has fueled, demonstrating the collective power your contributions make in the lives of children and teens at Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley.

You Can Make A Difference!

Give kids a safe place to go after school and during the summer.

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