Your monthly gift has a direct and immediate impact on the lives of young people and helps provide long-term sustainability of Club programs. Spread your generosity throughout the year and make an ongoing commitment to Boys & Girls Clubs youth.

Mail Checks To:
Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley
15 W San Fernando St
San Jose, CA 95113
Gift Of Stock
Unlock the power of your portfolio by giving the gift of stock to Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley. This impactful donation not only supports Club kids and teens but also offers potential tax benefits by reducing capital gains tax on your gift.

The process is simple and convenient, streamlining your giving experience without the hassle of selling stocks.
Contact your financial advisor to discuss the strategic donation of appreciated securities and witness your stocks transform into positive change, providing safe spaces, caring mentors, and life-changing programs for local children in need.
Leave a Lasting Legacy with Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley
Every day we write part of our story—a story that will become a legacy passed down to the next generation. If a pivotal chapter in your life’s journey involves creating a gift that continues to make a difference, then consider forging a lasting impact that will shape the future for generations to come.
A planned gift will not only offer crucial support to Club kids and teens but will also provide immediate or deferred tax advantages for you and your loved ones. Join us in scripting a legacy that resonates far beyond the present—a legacy that defines the future for Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley and the young lives we shape.
In-kind contributions of equipment, supplies, products, and services, or tickets to museums, performances, sporting events, and other resources are yet another way to support BGCSV. In-kind services include administrative and IT support, consulting, facilities maintenance and upgrades.
Consider donating your unwanted car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or boat to support Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley. Donating is easy, the pick-up is free, and your gift is tax-deductible. Donate Your Vehicle Through Careasy